Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Pregnant Feminist

So finally I can explain why I've been pretty slack about blogging this last couple of months; as well as thoughts about impending motherhood getting in the way of my usual outrage and indignance, I've found it pretty difficult to summon the energy to sit typing in between bouts of throwing up and extreme tiredness.

Now I'm in my second trimester I can expect three months of feeling pretty healthy except for a stuffed-up nose, so its time to get blogging again.  This isn't going to be a blow-by-blow account of the rest of the pregnancy, birth and subsequent nappy-changing, because I'm sure you won't find that too interesting.  Equally, I can't promise to keep the blog completely baby-free because it's obviously going to have a rather big impact on, well, everything.  Oh, I did say it was twins, right?

Wish us luck!